Co-Owner/Co-Operator with wife Verna of Fruit Trees and More: Nursery & Demonstration Orchard
Botanist * Entomologist
Bob Duncan has over 46 years of experience growing tree fruits on Vancouver Island. He operates a specialty plant nursery and demonstration orchard near Sidney, British Columbia with his wife Verna. Bob specializes in temperate, warm temperate, citrus, Mediterranean and hardy subtropical fruit trees. Bob and Verna’s demonstration orchard includes many varieties of tree fruits including a large selection of citrus and subtropicals.
In the orchard, Bob and Verna grow other types of fruit trees including apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, cherries, quince, medlar, kiwis, pineapple guavas, figs, pomegranates, loquats, persimmons, olives, jujube, avocado, pawpaw, and white sapote.
The orchard is used as a teaching tool to demonstrate various training systems and cultural techniques. Bob Duncan was trained as a Botanist and Entomologist. He worked for the Canadian Forestry Service as an Entomologist for over 35 years.
Fruit Trees and More: Nursery & Demonstration Orchard
724 Wain Rd., North Saanich (near Sidney), BC V8L 5N8
Phone 250-656-4269