970 West Rd
Quathiaski Cove
With John Brears & Allan Mandell.
We have a special treat this year for our annual slideshow: Two local professional photographers will share photos curated especially for us and answer questions about photographing flowers.
John Brears will present “Miracles, by Design”: A presentation of wildflowers questioning our understanding of their design and evolution. John is a retired chemist with a long time passion for mountains and all that lies therein, paralleling a scientific and artistic addiction to photography from boyhood. For him, searching for and photographing wildflowers provides a catalyst for continued indulgence, and for “botanizing” in the declining years.
Allan Mandell will present “Two Meditations: Flowers and Trees.” It will showcase some of his favourite photos from his most recent trip to Japan. Allan had a 25-year career as a freelance garden photographer and has had his work published in magazines and books world-wide. He is now doing a lot more artwork, occasionally teaching workshops, and leading photography tours to the gardens of Kyoto twice a year.
The AGM will be an opportunity for the new Garden Club Leadership Team to provide a brief review of the past year including membership numbers and financials, share our plan for 2020, and ask for feedback from our members. A survey will be sent out in the spring to elicit more in-depth feedback and suggestions from all of our members.
Our meeting will also include the usual “Show and Tell” table, and the new “Plant and Seed Sale” table, with proceeds going to the Garden Club. Contributions to both tables are highly encouraged. Finally, our meeting always starts with yummy coffee and treats, and ends with fabulous door prizes. New members and guests always welcome. See you January 13th, 2020!
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