654 Harper Rd.
Quathiaski Cove
With Dan Jason, bestselling author, gardening guru, and founder of Salt Spring Seeds.
Book Reading & Discussion
Dan will be reading from his new book “Changing the Climate with the Seeds We Sow.” Then he will be available to discuss his book as well as other gardening topics, especially seeds and garlic. Seeds, garlic and books will be for sale.
From the book description:
“In all the talk about climate change, rarely is it mentioned the huge part played by agriculture. The plants in this book are nutritious, energizing, time-tested, earth-friendly, and beautiful. Yet most of us don’t see them that way, if we see them at all.
Despite such a powerful heritage of plant-based foods, we have chosen to produce, process, and transport what we eat in ways that create planetary upheaval and destruction. It’s time we got off our current agricultural track to pursue an easier, safer, and more sustainable path.
As individuals and community, we can help change a suicidal system by making conscious food choices every day. We can indeed change the climate on the earth with the seeds we sow.”
About Dan Jason
A passionate gardener since he planted his first backyard in Montreal at age 13, Dan Jason is committed to empowering people to grow their own food and save their own seed. Since 1976 he has lived on Salt Spring Island, BC, where he created the mail order seed company Salt Spring Seeds, which specializes in heritage and heirloom open-pollinated and non-GMO seed varieties of vegetables and plants.
Dan was strongly involved in Seeds of Diversity Canada www.seeds.ca in its early years, and founded the Seed and Plant Sanctuary for Canada www.seedsanctuary.com in 2003, which he now heads.
Dan has written many books, including his most recent Changing the Climate with the Seeds We Sow. Dan’s best-selling book Saving Seeds as if Our Lives Depended On It is now in its 7th printing.
As an active critic of genetically modified seeds, patents on living organisms and industrial agriculture in general, he is a dedicated educator on sustainable organic gardening and farming, food politics, seed saving, and a farmer of beautiful gardens full of vegetables, grains, medicinal and culinary herbs and flowers.
Learn more about Dan Jason! Order seeds & books here: www.saltspringseeds.com
Follow Dan on Facebook, too!
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