Gardening with Native Plants with Lunabelle Loiseau-Tremblay

March 14, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Online via Zoom
Quadra Island Garden Club

The ecosystems around us are struggling more than ever, and the diversity of native plants and their pollinators is reducing quickly from the impacts of human-caused habitat degradation. In this time of global uncertainty, climate change, and environmental crisis, many of us are asking ourselves, what we can do on a personal level to try to affect change?

More people than ever have been finding solace in planting gardens and hoping to help dwindling numbers of pollinators. Although ornamental plants are helpful, native plants are a better choice.  Native plants provide much more forage resources to pollinators, as they have evolved alongside each other. 

In this presentation, Luna will talk about:

  • Native species that are easy to grow and are good resources for pollinators
  • How and where to purchase native seeds and plants in our area
  • Native species in relation to green space or site availability (ie. sun vs shade, pots vs. home garden etc). 

If you would like to learn the basics of how to integrate native plants into a green space on your property or around your home, please join us.

Lunabelle Loiseau-Tremblay is a Quadra Island naturalist with a deep passion for local native plant and pollinator ecology.  She has spent many years identifying flora and fauna. She grows numerous species of native plants in a variety of green spaces and loves to experiment with what species grow best in the spaces available. Luna holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Victoria and a Diploma in Applied Coastal Ecology from Coast Mountain College. 

Click HERE to join meeting via ZOOM

Meeting ID: 893 8316 7361
Passcode: 045809


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