970 West Rd
Now that we are getting more comfortable using Zoom in order to be inclusive, we have decided to invite some of our dream garden teachers to be our speakers from a distance! Niki Jabbour is one of those people. She literally wrote the book on winter gardening! And can be found on the radio, on YouTube, and elsewhere online, including the Lee Valley website. She will be joining us live from Nova Scotia, thus the earlier time for our meeting in February.
Niki will share her techniques for growing more food, reducing pest problems, and dealing with unpredictable weather in her Nova Scotia vegetable garden. She’ll spotlight a wide variety of season extenders like shade cloth, row cover, cold frames, and polytunnels, as well as show you how to use garden covers to prevent damage from deer, flea beetles, and cabbageworms. She’ll also share some of her stand-out crops and varieties for fall and winter harvesting.
About Niki:
Niki Jabbour is the best-selling, award-winning author of four books including The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener and Growing Under Cover. She’s a two-time winner of the American Horticultural Society’s Book Award, and the long-time host of the radio show The Weekend Gardener. Find Niki on SavvyGardening.com.
Vegetarian and Turkey Chili will be available for purchase.
Click HERE to join us via Zoom. Meeting ID: 892 7091 3796 Passcode: 524464
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