Turning Chives Into Salt

A Karen’s Corner Blogette

by Karen Dunn

I have started drying chives for my homemade seasoning salt. While they sit on the counter drying we use a pinch or two in whatever we are eating. Fresh chives on a fried egg. Yum!

Dried Chives
Dried Chives

Some people are wondering how I dry my chives.  A few have had trouble drying them…as they turn yellow.  I have had this happen to me too.  I haven’t had as much luck drying in the dehydrator as I do air drying.  The photo above shows a wide stainless wire colander.  I scored this at the thrift store a few years ago and it’s one of my favourite kitchen tools.  I just lay the chopped chives in the colander and leave it sitting on my counter.  Stir them around once in a while.  They are dry in a few days.  I have even had luck with small amounts of chives sitting in a small bowl.  They dry beautifully.

I have lots of plantings of chives throughout my garden so I always have one for fresh picking. Having them through the garden is great for pest control. When the chives flower they are great bee food.

Here are some recipes for herb salts that I use.

Note: There is a herb called seasoning celery. It looks like parsley but tastes like a strong celery. If you can find some seeds get it going now. It is crucial for one of the recipes.  You can buy it at Renee’s Seeds.


Seasoning Salt

2 cups sea salt
1 litre packed dried parsley leaf
1 litre packed dried celery seasoning leaf
½ litre dried chives
½ teaspoon powdered onion

Put sea salt into a food processor.
Add parsley, half a litre at a time. Process.
Add celery seasoning leaf half a litre at a time. Process.
Add dried chives and powdered onion. Process.

Process until pulverized. Taste and add more seasoning if desired.


Tuscan Salt Herb Blend

This is more or less a freestyle recipe.  Use your favourites. I will list what I used to give you an idea.

The ratio is 50% herbs 50% salt

Combination of fresh herbs: I used sage, bay leaf, rosemary, thyme, fresh garlic, a small amount of dried chile pepper, and a small amount of lemon zest.

Note: If using rosemary use a little less. Too much will add a soapy flavour.

Don’t worry too much about stems.

  • Measure the herbs.
  • Measure out an equal quantity of salt.
  • Put it all in a food processor and grind until finely mixed.
  • Spread on trays and dehydrate (on the counter or in a dehydrator).

Other combinations to try:

  • Tarragon herb salt (good for chicken/cream dishes)
  • Green garlic scape salt

I found this method on The Elliott Homestead website

Karen Dunn gardens on Quadra Island all year long and loves to share her tips and tricks for making your garden awesome!

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